In 1984 Morin E. introduced the concept of "complex casuality", which suggests that the purpose of knowledge is not to reach out and possess unique knowledge, an absolute truth, but rather to communicate with the unknown, critically examining knowledge already acquired. This concept also makes its way into psychotherapy. It is trying to overcome the isolation of dogmatic models, moving towards a culture of integration as a continuous process leading to the advancement of knowledge. The hardships of the complex society require full training, oriented towards the many models of the main schools of knowledge, without falling into the "generic", but also towards a continuous knowledge of the changes in the environment surrounding us. The sense of this versatility is coloured by a professional challenge that requires flexibility, openness and dynamism of mind every time you come across mental difficulties and decide to help those who wander "in the dark forest searching for a way, or a guide to bring them back to see the stars".

Our lives have changed. Everything is new. Refusing what is new is destructive for us. We have to find a rational and historical exploration for every reality. Those who do not have the courage to open themselves to the crisis are exposed to the uneasiness of those who “the more they do not understand, the more they are disorientated". The growth group has changed its objective. It works through a knowledge of ourselves, our ideas, our myths and, above all, our emotions. The group is "a living laboratory" where those who participate can express their emotions in a protected place experimenting cohesion, trust and a sense of belonging. It helps to make induced ideas, conditioning thoughts, repressed emotions and hidden desires visible to develop our personal capacities and give ourselves a better and more real life.

This is work on the personal unconscious with the inner family and the real family. With the help of the group it is possible to relive and become aware of your own script so as to bring out the positive and negative structures of the unconscious personality and accelerate the process of personal growth.

"We think in stories, because we are stories, immersed in stories, and made up of stories" (Batteson)

Anger is a strong emotion, an adaptive reaction to a violation, an intrusion, and an attack on the self. When adaptive anger is repressed it becomes unadaptive because it is no longer able to protect the person from external damage. It is expressed with different feelings, namely impotence, insecurity and rancour. With the help of the group, emotional experiences are evoked, giving us access to repressed emotion, breaking down disfunctional beliefs and building a clean self able to create a beautiful and satisfying life.

All human beings have a creative nature. Creativity is the mother of possibility, discovery and change. It is often crushed by routine, pain and insults of life. With the help of the group we will reawaken the creative nature of the personality and clean the creative river. The creative force we free will enable us to avoid traps, defeat predators and recover our freedom.

The couple are lonely and burdened with responsibilities and no longer have the extended family to protect them. In a peaceful and protected setting the coniugal "quid pro quo" is analyzed with regard to the major changes of contemporary society. The analysis examines the expression of feelings of affection, care and love, and also the roles and the tasks of the couple regarding the relationship between the family and work systems. This scrupulous examination has the aim of clarifying rules, roles and messages. The participants will finally have the opportunity of experimenting new processes of problem solving ranging from a shared identification of the problem to negotiation and solution, which are necessary to face new challenges and the many ways of
being together.

All human beings have a creative nature. Creativity is the mother of possibility, discovery and change. It is often crushed by routine, pain and insults of life. With the help of the group we will reawaken the creative nature of the personality and clean the creative river. The creative force we free will enable us to avoid traps, defeat predators and recover our freedom.